Small knowledge -calcium -grade methamphetamine can be used in agriculture to add calcium to crops

Pengfa ChemicalHebei Pengfa ChemicalCalcium -the head of the medium -volume element,It plays an inestimable role in the growth of crops.

Generally speaking,

The calcium content in the soil can meet plant needs.

01 The role of calcium acid 的 calcium ✦
Under the condition of sufficient calcium fertilizer, the cells grow rapidly, the roots of the crops grow fast, the root system is strong, the stems are stout, the fruit swells quickly, and the output is high.The calcium content in mature fruits is high, the fruit is good, and the quality of the fruit is high. In addition, calcium can effectively reduce the rotten phenomenon that occurs during the transportation and storage process, and extend the storage period.
02 Calcium methampite极简风家居床上用品枕头直通车主图
What are the performance of calcium deficiency? Bleak1. Poor cell wall developmentIt is easy to get bitter acne, acne spots, umbilical rot, cabbage heartburn, soft fruit, and cracked fruit.2. growth point growth is significantly suppressed

The roots are short, gray -yellow, the cell wall is viscosity, the root extension of the cells is damaged, and local rotten; the young leaves are shrunk into a hook shape, and the new leaves will soon die; the flowers are shrinking and dry.

Supplementing calcium elements in a timely and effectively can effectively prevent physiological diseases such as cracking, poor flavor, acne, water heart disease, black heart disease, umbilical rot, leaf scorching disease, etc. caused by calcium deficiency, enhance crop resistance, and improve fruit Foreign Minister, extend fruit storage time.

Calcium deficiency is not only on the crops on the ground!

In recent years, the symptoms of calcium deficiency in rhizome crops have gradually been reflected. How to accurately apply calcium fertilizers is a subject that farmers must pay attention to.

What is the advantage of calcium methamphetamine on the plant? Bleak

1. Compared with traditional calcium fertilizers, calcium methamphetamine has excellent characteristics such as fast dissolution, fast absorption, high absorption, high utilization, high calcium content, rapid release, significant effects, and stable pH value.

2. Calcitium can improve the quality of the plant, and can also be used as a nutritional element required in hydroponics; hormones, non -toxic, pollution -free, convenient use, and safety for crops.

3. There is no harm to calcium, leaves, and fruits for flowers, leaves, and fruits. It has extended crop storage time to the fruit surface, and the appearance quality of the fruit is improved.

Please recognize Pengfa Chemical for calcium methampiosaicate. At the same time, Pengfa Chemical is a comprehensive enterprise integrating R & D, production, sales, services, and exports. Factory direct sales to make end customers. As a manufacturer of calcium methamphetamine, the intermediate link is eliminated. Customers’ purchase costs are reduced and the delivery cycle is short. It can meet the product needs and after -sales service of different customers in one stop. Choosing Pengfa Chemical is your best choice.    Telephone:+86 18931799878

Post time: Nov-01-2022